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Business Process

The Unleashing Leaders Innovation Program is our antidote to bureaucracy. For over 20 years, we’ve applied the best improvement tools from Lean, Six Sigma, design thinking, behavioral psychology, and other disciplines to help public sector clients transform their services to delight their customers.


Our Innovative Process

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Metric Development & Data Visualization

We help you identify measurable goals and wrangle your data to understand the performance of your core services.


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Improving Existing Business Processes

We facilitate your staff to solve their own problems and apply lean tools to eliminate waste, reduce error and rework, and provide higher quality services. We can also provide direct staff supplementation to help you clear work backlogs and get back on track.

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Engineering New Business Processes

We work with your team to design customer- and staff-friendly processes from the ground up – specially in preparation for future IT implementation!


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Building In-House Innovation Programs

We connect improvement work to your strategic plan and give you the tools to do what we do: train new innovators.

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Leadership Coaching

We work with executives to expand their influence by empowering their staff to be problem-solvers.


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Training & Staff Development

We build staff capacity by teaching new skills that are immediately applied to your business.

How Unleashing Leaders Does Business Process Innovation

Our secret? We won’t write you a memo or give you our 10 consultant-speak recommendations. Instead we facilitate your own staff, who do the work every day, to not just solve problems, but to become problem solvers.


Innovation and Practical Problem Solving Course


The Foundation of Leadership Course
