Unleashing Leaders Logo
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Who is
Unleashing Leaders


Our Mission

We inspire an epidemic of leadership and integrity by modeling the way.


check-mark icon  Inspire

We believe the potential is there. We invite the willing to tap into underutilized talent.

check-mark icon Epidemic

Good leadership is contagious. We unleash others to spread the impact rapidly beyond our reach.

check-mark icon Model The Way

We preach only what we've practiced. We provide only practical, field-proven models customized to fit your unique needs.


Our Values

We are FIERCE in our commitment to the following behaviors in all our interactions internally and externally.

freedom image

Liberty and justice for all - it's the cornerstone of our country and the bedrock of our company. "Unleashing" begins with embracing your most fundamental power - the power to choose.

integrity image

We operate with honor and dignity, especially when no one is watching. Integrity also means aligning diverse perspectives to operate in harmony with our surroundings.

excellence image

Don't let the perfect be the enemy of progress. We optimize value by striking the right balance across goals and tradeoffs. We surf the curve of diminshing returns to deliver sustainable results.

resilience image

We are courageous in the face of adversity. We make conscious choices toward goals, work hard, and adapt quickly. Breakdowns are opportunities to recover and breakthrough.

curiosity image

We operate with the open mind of a beginner, not the closed mind of an expert. Our life-long passion for learning embraces feedback and "new" mistakes as gifts.

engagement image

We care deeply for the people we serve. We work with passion by leveraging our strengths as individuals and collaborating well as a team.



We've personally unleashed over 80,000 leaders at all levels to enhance their ability to better serve their teams, their customers, and their communities.



Our Team

We are your friendly neighborhood change agents. We bring a diverse blend of strengths, styles, industries, histories, and methods to best match the range of our clients.



Lee img
Lee Scott
Founder & Chief Change Agent
Cyrus img
Cyrus Aram
Chief Executive Officer
Fritzic img
Fritzic Allen
Chief Operating Officer
Cortland img
Cortland Mares
Chief Financial Officer
Amber img
Amber Beckler
VP Corporate Development
Cathleen img
Cathleen Mills
HR Compliance Manager
Nicole img
Nicole Gibbs-Cormier
Organizational Health Manager